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FFG : Star Wars Armada

Just found this one on my old IMac hard drive.
Back in the days after closing Black Volta Studios, I Co-Founded a new studio fully focused on creating assets for the entertainment industry - Valdraken Orde Studio -. In that time a lot of collaborative work was made , as it supposed to happen in a daily basis environment of work. This artwork is one of those pieces . As far as I remember I had to take this assignment since the artist who had to do it got out of deadline. I got involved in almost every artwork that was created in that time.
From 2011 to 2014 my work got printed in tons of Non-Credited Artwork, even some artist of the studio used my own art pieces to apply / get jobs without my knowledge /authorization. Said this, this artwork was made entirely by me. Let's make it clear, because I've seen other people giving credits for this image to other artists.
This is Christoph Peters hands .

Fantasy Flight Games boardgames under license of LucasFilm. ©